A ceiling painting of a monkey, gazelle, flamingoes & bear-musician in the 8th century AD Ummayad hunting lodge & baths at Qasr al Amra, or Quseir 'Amra, Jordan (31°48'6.75"N, 36°35'14.47"E).
A painting of a voluptuous dancer in the 8th century AD Ummayad hunting lodge & baths at Qasr al Amra or Quseir 'Amra, Jordan.
The outside of the 8th century AD Ummayad hunting lodge & baths at Qasr al Amra or Quseir 'Amra, Jordan, 31°48'6.75"N, 36°35'14.47"E.
A painting of a naked mother & baby in the 8th century AD Ummayad hunting lodge & baths at Qasr al Amra or Quseir 'Amra, Jordan.
A painting of a bathing woman. Qasr al Amra or Quseir 'Amra, 8th century AD Ummayad hunting lodge & baths, Jordan.
A painting under an arch of a woman. Qasr al Amra or Quseir 'Amra, Jordan, 8th century AD Ummayad hunting lodge & baths.
A painting of a musician. Qasr al Amra or Quseir 'Amra, Jordan, 8th century AD Ummayad hunting lodge & baths,
A painting, showing the minor & major bears (Ursus) of the zodiac in the dome of the 8th century AD Ummayad hunting lodge & baths at Qasr al Amra or Quseir 'Amra, Jordan (31°48'6.75"N, 36°35'14.47"E).
A painting of a supine figure under a ceiling festooned with animals in the 8th century AD Ummayad hunting lodge & baths at Qasr al Amra (or Quseir 'Amra), Jordan (31°48'6.75"N, 36°35'14.47"E).
A painting of a fishing boat & swimmer in the 8th century AD Ummayad hunting lodge & baths at Qasr al Amra, or Quseir 'Amra, Jordan (31°48'6.75"N, 36°35'14.47"E).
A mural showing a man butchering game animals including oryx in the 8th century AD Ummayad hunting lodge & baths at Qasr al Amra (or Quseir 'Amra), Jordan.
A ceiling painting of a woman in the 8th century AD Ummayad hunting lodge & baths at Qasr al Amra (or Quseir 'Amra), Jordan.
A hawk or sphinx moth sipping & hovering beside rare yellow wildflowers beside the 8th century AD Ummayad hunting lodge & baths at Qasr al Amra or Quseir 'Amra, Jordan.
The Roman fortress of Qasr Usaykhim, Jordan, which guards the northern approach to the Azraq Oasis.
The Azraq Oasis seen through the arch at the Roman fortress of Qasr Usaykhim, Jordan.
A panorama of the Azraq Oasis from the Roman castle of Qasr Usaykhim or Askhem or Usakhem at 31°56'44.75"N, 36°57'7.88"E, Jordan.
Neolithic flint flakes (debitage) on the same hill as the Roman fortress of Qasr Usaykhim overlooking the Azraq Oasis. Jordan.
A kingfisher & coot or mud hen in the remnants of the Azraq Oasis Wetland Reserve, which has lost almost all of its water to irrigation and water-hungry Amman (31°49'58.19"N, 36°49'16.39"E).
An egret & duck in the reservoir by the eastern-most Roman fort & looted necropolis at Qasr Burqu. Ruwaished, Jordan.
A bitch & her puppies outside the 8th century AD Ummayad hunting lodge & baths at Qasr al Amra (or Quseir 'Amra) (31°48'6.75"N, 36°35'14.47"E).
A white dog by a bedouin tent outside the 8th century AD Ummayad hunting lodge & baths of Qasr al Amra.
A space shot of 3 prehistoric structures of a type that I call “citrus” compounds, on the edge of a lava flow near Qasr Burqu in the Jordanian Desert.
The northernmost of the 3 “citrus compounds” shown in the previous picture. Near the eastern-most Roman fortress of Qasr Burqu, Jordan.
A panorama of the northernmost of the 3 “citrus compounds” shown in the satellite photo. Near the eastern-most Roman fortress of Qasr Burqu, Jordan. (32.496091 N, 37.990643 E).
A panorama of the northernmost of the 3 “citrus compounds” shown in the satellite photo. Near the Roman fortress of Qasr Burqu.
A panorama of the northernmost of the 3 “citrus compounds” near Qasr Burqu.
A satellite photo of two ancient “citrus slice” compounds in the Jordanian Desert.
Freshly disturbed dirt left by looters beside a fallen monolith or the upended roof slab of a tomb with a spire tumulus and its Safaitic petroglyph site in the background. This large site is associated with 2 big “citrus” compounds.
A remarkable spire tumulus seen from a similar tumulus at the center of a cluster of Safaitic petroglyphs (32.341107 N, Long 38.048020 E).
The tumulus at the center of a cluster of Safaitic petroglyphs near 2 big citrus compounds (32.341107 N, 38.048020 E).
Another view of the stepped spire tumulus at the center of a cluster of Safaitic petroglyphs near 2 big citrus compounds.
An incised camel (next to a Safaitic inscription) beside the spire tumulus in the previous photo.
A camel and rider with long fingers accompanied by a Safaitic inscription (Petroglyph 14) by the tumulus at 32.341107 N, Long 38.048020 E.
Safaitic inscriptions & other petroglyphs, including a pecked camel, on 3 blocks (Petrolyph 24) around the stepped spire tumulus at 32.341107 N, Long 38.048020 E.
A round hearth in a round clearing below stepped spire tumulus at 32.341107 N, 38.048020 E in northeastern Jordan.
A view of the spire tumulus from a round compound.
A looted tomb near 2 big citrus compounds on northeastern Jordan.
A satellite photo of 6 ancient compounds, including radial clusters of walled clearings & probable rooms, around knolls in the Jordanian Desert.
A Safaitic petroglyph of a camel and archer near an Ottoman fort & ancient eroded compounds. Petroglyph 9 in my inventory of this petroglyph cluster. (32.231970 N, 38.100087 E)
A Safaitic petroglyph of camels near an Ottoman fort & ancient eroded lobed compounds. These are petroglyphs 31& 32 in my inventory of this cluster (32.231970 N, 38.100087 E). The Fort is near 32.232626 N, 38.10089 E.
A Safaitic petroglyph of a camel with a leg anklet near an Ottoman fort & ancient eroded lobed compounds. This is petroglyph 34 in my inventory of this cluster (32.231970 N, 38.100087 E). The Fort is near 32.232626 N, 38.10089 E.
A satellite photo of a big hunting kite & other prehistoric structures in the Jordanian Desert.
A tumulus looted with a bulldozer near a military road through the boulders of a vast fractured lava flow at Khirbet Abu Hussain - a WW II emergency runway on a mud and salt flat.
A Safaitic petroglyph near the road to Khirbet Abu Hussain of a possible lunar calendar showing a succession of crescents & other symbols in a loose grid.
The walls & clearings of the an ancient village just above the possible “lunar calendar” petroglyph.
Petroglyphs showing a camel & rider on a boulder-strewn ridge overlooking the flats near Khirbet Abu Hussain.
Another petroglyph cluster midway down the slope of a ridge overlooking the flats near Khirbet Abu Hussain - this time with fine camels.
The “fine camel” petroglyph cluster on one of the slopes of a ridge overlooking the flats near Khirbet Abu Hussain.
A particularly fine Safaitic petroglyph of a camel in the mid-slope cluster near Khirbet Abu Hussain.
Another fine Safaitic petroglyph of a camel in the mid-slope cluster near Khirbet Abu Hussain - this time surrounded by a repeated symbol consisting of a cluster of dots at the end of a “stem”.
A Safaitic camel petroglyph in the cluster on a peak above the Khirbet Abu Hussain mud flat.
The clearings & walls of an ancient village below the peak petroglyph cluster above the mud flat.
A horse, warrior & Safaitic inscription in the mid-slope fine-camel petroglyph cluster above the Khirbet Abu Hussain mud flat.
A close-up of the horse, warrior & Safaitic inscription in the mid-slope fine-camel petroglyph cluster above the mud flat.
A stela with a Safaitic inscription in a petroglyph cluster on a peak above the Khirbet Abu Hussain mud flat.
A close-up of the Safaitic inscription / stela in the petroglyph cluster at the summit of a hill above the Khirbet Abu Hussain mud flat.
Horses & riders in the petroglyph cluster at the summit of a hill above the Khirbet Abu Hussain mud flat.
Petroglyphs around a space on the peak overlooking the Khirbet Abu Hussain mud flat.
A satellite photo of a perfect ancient circle & pale loop below clustered cells with a ring of outposts, plus a tumulus at the summit.
An ancient tumulus by a pale circle & compounds overlooking water channels in the Jordanian Desert.
A rare wildflower on the slope of a mesa overlooking Acheulian hearths at 31.852745 N, 37.744091 E in the Jordanian desert.
Ancient compounds along the edges of tablelands in the Jordanian desert.
Ancient radial structures composed of concentric lobes around a mesa in the Jordanian desert.
A round hearth and the ruins of an ancient village below a ceremonial enclosure that resembles a fortress from space at 31.832308 N, 37.467758 E.
Aligned cobbles below the higher cobble and boulder walls of an ancient village below a ceremonial enclosure that resembles a fortress from space.
Large enclosures in the ruins of an ancient village below a ceremonial enclosure that resembles a fortress from space. 31.832308 N, 37.467758 E
Large enclosures in the ruins of an ancient village below a ceremonial enclosure that resembles a fortress from space. 31.832308 N, 37.467758 E
A panorama of the enclosures in the ruins of an ancient village below a ceremonial enclosure that resembles a fortress from space. 31.832308 N, 37.467758 E
Large enclosures in the ruins of an ancient village below a ceremonial enclosure that resembles a fortress from space.
Antenna tumuli like the ones that appear as dots between back lines (walls) around the perimeter of this mesa’s summit look like miniature volcanos. Village compounds form a crescent on the mesa’s eastern slopes.
The Maitland Mesa complex from the slope of a mesa with a tumulus surrounded by Safaitic petroglyphs & flint debitage on its top. 31°46'30.62"N, 37°29'0.40"E.
A panoramic view from the slope of a mesa below a tumulus surrounded by Safaitic petroglyphs & flint debitage. 31°46'30.62"N, 37°29'0.40"E.
The funnel of a tumulus amid Safaitic petroglyphs & flint debitage on a mesa.
The same funnel in the top of a tumulus amid Safaitic petroglyphs & flint debitage on a mesa at 31°46'30.62"N, 37°29'0.40"E, Jordan.
One of the tumuli on mesa amid Safaitic petroglyphs & flint debitage near 31°46'30.62"N, 37°29'0.40"E, in Jordan.
A gecko in the crater/funnel of the tumulus on the Jordanian mesa.
A lizard on the threshold of a tomb in Petra, Jordan
A lizard by a prehistoric flint bladelet in the Jordanian desert.
Safaitic petroglyphs around a tumulus on a mesa in Jordan.
Safaitic inscriptions and camel petroglyphs beside a tumulus on a mesa in Jordan (Petroglyph 5 in my inventory of this cluster).
Petroglyphs 2 (including a camel) and 3 on my inventory of the rock art around a Safaitic tumulus on a mesa at 31°46'30.62"N, 37°29'0.40"E, Jordan.
A petroglyph (7) of a camel with 2 apparent heads & a Safaitic inscription by a tumulus on a mesa, Jordan.
A petroglyph (13) of a camel with a Safaitic inscription by a tumulus on a mesa, Jordan.
Safaitic petroglyph 15 (including an anthropomorph) on my inventory of the rock art around a tumulus on a mesa near 31°46'30.62"N, 37°29'0.40"E, Jordan.
Safaitic petroglyphs like the one at bottom right form a ragged circle around this tumulus on a mesa in the Jordanian desert.
Safaitic petroglyph 22 in my inventory of the rock art cluster around the previously pictured tumulus includes a camel.
Safaitic petroglyph 25 in my inventory of the rock art around the tumulus includes a quadruped, which looks both like a horse and dog.
My favorite petroglyph in the cluster by the mesa tumulus illustrates a feline chasing ostriches & both pecked and engraved (filliform) riders on probable horses. (Petroglyph 31 in the cluster)
Petroglyph 40 in the Safaitic rock art cluster around the afore-mentioned tumulus shows a camel with a possible proboscis or feed bag.
Petroglyph 41 in this cluster of Safaitic petroglyphs around a tumulus appears to portray a lion or bovid (31°46'30.62"N, 37°29'0.40"E, Jordan).
A tiger beetle on the slope of the mesa below the tumulus amid Safaitic petroglyphs (31°46'30.62"N, 37°29'0.40"E, Jordan)
A beetle and wildflowers on the side of the mesa below the Safaitic tumulus (31°46'30.62"N, 37°29'0.40"E, Jordan)
A same beetle and wildflowers on the side of the mesa (31°46'30.62"N, 37°29'0.40"E, Jordan)
Ancient hilltop compounds. Jordanian Desert.
A hunting kite corral between basaltic hills with a cluster of round compounds overlooking the anomalous gullet, whose bottleneck seems to be on a ridge. Jordanian Desert.
A satellite photo of a hunting kite & tumuli, including an antenna tumuli at left with a rock wall “tail.” Jordanian Desert.
A Google Earth photo of a radial, multi-lobed, ancient structure consisting of walls and clearings or compounds in the Jordanian Desert.
A satellite photo of an oval clearing with radiating paths to hill compounds. Jordanian Desert.
A satellite photo of a hoop-shaped assemblage of circular walled structures around the rim of a round headland with peripheral structures. Jordanian Desert.
A satellite photo of a “sliced citrus circle” at top left & other ancient structures by a river bed in the Jordanian Desert.
A satellite photo of a “sliced citrus circle” at top right & round clusters of compounds with hollow dots around the circumference. Jordanian Desert.
Three radial “sliced citrus” structures in the Jordanian Desert.
A satellite photo of a large concentric structure on a headland overlooking a wadi, plus pale circles & roads made by bulldozing looters. Jordanian Desert.
The cave Susanna found with ancient red ochre paintings of snakes & anthropomorphs, plus “offerings” in the form of shoes. Wadi Sabet, near 29.35864 N, 35.42745 E.
The ancient red ochre paintings of snakes & anthropomorphs in the cave Susanna found with “offerings” in the form of shoes. Wadi Sabet, near 29.35864 N, 35.42745 E.
Nearing petroglyphs of ibex & bovids, after passing petroglyphs on both sides of the chasm in the Siq al-Barid, Jordan. 29.35846 N, 35.43343 E.
The petroglyphs of bovids at the end of the Siq al-Barid are on the vertical wall to the right of our companions. Jordan. 29.35846 N, 35.43343 E.
The petroglyphs of bovids on the vertical wall at the end of the Siq al-Barid. Jordan. 29.35846 N, 35.43343 E.
The bovid petroglyphs on the vertical wall at the end of the Siq al-Barid. Jordan. 29.35846 N, 35.43343 E.
A panorama of the Siq al-Barid, Jorgan, 29.35846 N, 35.43343 E,
The petroglyph panel showing a large number of ibex is on the left side of the Siq al-Barid, looking back towards Wadi Sabet, which is near Wadi Rum in Jordan. 29.35846 N, 35.43343 E.
The petroglyph panel showing a large herd of ibex in the Siq al-Barid. 29.35846 N, 35.43343 E.
A panorama of the petroglyph panel on the right of the narrow entrance to the Siq al-Barid, off the Wadi Sabet. The petroglyph panel shows anthropomorphs, feet, hands, a bovine & ibex. 29.35846 N, 35.43343 E, Jordan.
The petroglyph panel on the right of the narrow entrance to the Siq al-Barid, off the Wadi Sabet. The petroglyph panel shows anthropomorphs, feet, hands, a bovine & ibex. 29.35846 N, 35.43343 E, Jordan.
An ibex & inscription on the right of the entrance to the Siq al-Barid, off the Wadi Sabet. 29.35846 N, 35.43343 E, Jordan.
A petroglyph of a bovid near feet, hands & ibex at the entrance to the Siq al-Barid, off the Wadi Sabet. 29.35846 N, 35.43343 E, Jordan.
Petroglyphs of feet, hands & quadrupeds along the entrance to the Siq al-Barid, off the Wadi Sabet. 29.35846 N, 35.43343 E, Jordan.
Petroglyphs of hands & feet along the entrance to the Siq al-Barid, off the Wadi Sabet. 29.35846 N, 35.43343 E, Jordan.
Petroglyphs of hands & feet along the entrance to the Siq al-Barid, off the Wadi Sabet. 29.35846 N, 35.43343 E, Jordan.
Petroglyphs of 2 anthropomorphs & a foot, near others showing a bovid, more feet, hands & an ibex in the Siq al-Barid, which is off Wadi Sabet, near Wadi Rum. Jordan, 29.35846 N, 35.43343 E.
Thamudic inscriptions & ibex petroglyphs on a cliff terrace at a major petroglyph cluster in the Wadi Sabet. 29.334384 N, 35.386054 E.
The cliff terrace with Thamudic inscriptions & ibex petroglyphs at a petroglyph cluster in the Wadi Sabet. 29.334384 N, 35.386054 E, Jordan.
Thamudic inscriptions / petroglyphs on a cliff terrace at a petroglyph cluster in the Wadi Sabet. 29.334384 N, 35.386054 E, Jordan.
A close-up of some of the Thamudic inscriptions / petroglyphs on a cliff terrace at a petroglyph cluster in the Wadi Sabet. 29.334384 N, 35.386054 E, Jordan.
Thamudic inscriptions overlooking the Wadi Sabet. 29.334384 N, 35.386054 E, Jordan.
Long-horned ibex with a dog apparently biting ones muzzle at a major Thamudic inscription / petroglyph site in the Wadi Sabet (near Wadi Rum). 29.334384 N, 35.386054 E, Jordan.
A mother donkey and her baby in a tomb manger in the Wasi al-Farasa, Petra, Jordan.
A mother donkey and her foal in a tomb manger in the Wasi al-Farasa, Petra, Jordan.
A mother donkey and her suckling baby in a tomb manger in the Wasi al-Farasa, Petra, Jordan.
One of Petra’s spectacular tomb ceilings, which combine the colors of ribboned sandstone and soot from ancient fires. Petra, Jordan.
Another spectacular tomb ceiling, combining the colors of ribboned rainbow sandstone and soot. Petra, Jordan.
The holes above the arch in this tomb with a spectacular ceiling once supported floor joists or an awning. Petra, Jordan.
Many of Petra’s tomb ceilings are as spectacular as huge modern abstract paintings due to their combination of ribboned sandstone and soot. Jordan.
One of the tomb ceilings at Petra that look like spectacular abstract paintings due to their combination of ribboned sandstone and soot. Jordan.
One of the colorful tomb ceilings at Petra. Jordan.
Yet another colorful tomb ceiling in Petra, Jordan.
Tomb walls & ceiling, Petra, Jordan, (5)
Tomb walls & ceiling, Petra, Jordan, (6)
Tomb walls & ceiling, Petra, Jordan, (8)
Tomb walls & ceiling, Petra, Jordan, (9)
Tomb walls & ceiling, Petra, Jordan, (10)
Tomb walls & ceiling, Petra, Jordan, (12)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Petra, Jordan, (1)
Tomb walls & ceiling, Petra, Jordan, (13)
Tomb walls & ceiling, Petra, Jordan,
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Petra, Jordan, (2)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Petra, Jordan, (3)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Petra, Jordan, (4)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Petra, Jordan, (5)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Petra, Jordan, (6)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Petra, Jordan, camel caravan statues, the Siq gorge, (1)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Petra, Jordan, donkey,
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Petra, Jordan, Monastery,
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Petra, Jordan, Monastery zone, petroglyph gameboard, (1)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Petra, Jordan, Monastery zone,
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Petra, Jordan, Monastery & woman in cave,
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Petra, Jordan, necklace vendor,
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Petra, Jordan, path to the Monastery, (1)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Petra, Jordan, path to the Monastery, bedding cushions, – Version 2
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Petra, Jordan, path to the Monastery, bedding cushions,
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Petra, Jordan, path to the Monastery, garages for pick-up trucks, (1)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Petra, Jordan, path to the Monastery,
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Petra, Jordan, petroglyph,
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Petra, Jordan, Tomb of the Lions below path to the Monastery
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Petra, Jordan,
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, – Version 2 (1)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, – Version 2 (2)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, – Version 2
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (1)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (3)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (2)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (4)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (5)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (6)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (10)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (7)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (8)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (14)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (11)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (12)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (13)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (15)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (16)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (20)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (17)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (18)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (19)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (21)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (22)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (23)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (24)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (25)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (26)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (27)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (28)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (29)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (30)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (31)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (32)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (33)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (34)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (35)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (36)
Eroded tomb walls & apertures in a Petra side valley called Wadi al-Mataha. Jordan.
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan.
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (39)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (40)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (41)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (42)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (43)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (44)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (45)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (46)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (47)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, (48)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, puppy, (1)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, puppy, (2)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, puppy,
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, The Tomb of Sextius Florentinus, (1)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, The Tomb of Sextius Florentinus, (2)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, The Tomb of Sextius Florentinus, (3)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, The Tomb of Sextius Florentinus, (4)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, The Tomb of Sextius Florentinus, (5)
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, The Tomb of Sextius Florentinus, dog,
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan, The Tomb of Sextius Florentinus,
Tomb walls, ceilings & apertures, Wadi al-Mataha, Petra side valley, Jordan,
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Little Petra, Jordan, (1)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Little Petra, Jordan, (2)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Little Petra, Jordan, (3)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Little Petra, Jordan, (4)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Little Petra, Jordan, (5)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Little Petra, Jordan,
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra side valley, Jordan, (1)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra side valley, Jordan, (2)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra side valley, Jordan, (3)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra side valley, Jordan, (5)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra side valley, Jordan, (6)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra side valley, Jordan, (7)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra side valley, Jordan, (9)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra side valley, Jordan, (10)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra side valley, Jordan, (11)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra side valley, Jordan, (12)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra side valley, Jordan, (13)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra side valley, Jordan,
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra, Jordan, – Version 2 (1)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra, Jordan, – Version 2 (2)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra, Jordan, – Version 2 (3)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra, Jordan, – Version 2 (4)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra, Jordan, – Version 2
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra, Jordan, (1)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra, Jordan, (2)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra, Jordan, (3)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra, Jordan, (4)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra, Jordan, (5)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra, Jordan, (6)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra, Jordan, (7)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra, Jordan, (8)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra, Jordan, (9)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra, Jordan, (10)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra, Jordan, (11)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra, Jordan, (12)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra, Jordan, (13)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra, Jordan, (14)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra, Jordan, (15)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra, Jordan, (16)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra, Jordan, (17)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra, Jordan, (18)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra, Jordan, (19)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra, Jordan, (20)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra, Jordan, (21)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra, Jordan, (22)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra, Jordan, (23)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra, Jordan, (24)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra, Jordan, (25)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra, Jordan, (26)
A fingerprint-like pattern above the door of an inhabited tomb in Petra, Jordan.
A swirled fingerprint pattern in rainbow sandstone above a tomb. Petra, Jordan.
A ribboned ceiling above feeding troughs in a tomb used as a manger. Petra, Jordan.
Feeding troughs under banded sandstone in a manger-tomb. Petra, Jordan.
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra, Jordan, (31)
Tomb walls, ceilings, and apertures, Petra, Jordan, (32)
The skull-like door and windows of an eroded tomb, Petra, Jordan.
Looking out of the tomb with skull-like door and windows, Petra, Jordan.
Looking out of a cavernous tomb across a valley at a skull-like tomb, Petra, Jordan.
A tomb with a high key-hole shaped portal. Petra, Jordan.
The top of the high eroded key-hole portal of a tomb in Petra, Jordan.
Looking out of the high key-hole shaped portal of a sooty tomb in Petra, Jordan.
A false colonnade with 3 opened cells & 3 blank ones between the “columns” of a family tomb in Petra, Jordan.
An eroded aperture under a row of holes for setting a tomb’s roof or floor beams. Petra, Jordan.
A false colonnade and arch around the door of a collective tomb in Petra, Jordan.
A unusual tomb with grave trenches in Petra, Jordan.
A panorama of the walls & ceilings of a grey tomb in Petra, Jordan.
A panorama of the walls & ceilings of a sunlit tomb in Petra, Jordan.
A panorama of the walls & ceilings of a tomb with a false colonnade in Petra, Jordan.
Looking out of a tomb with a red-and-cream sandstone ceiling patched with ancient soot in Petra, Jordan.
Looking into a tomb with a red-and-cream sandstone ceiling marled with soot from ancient funeral banquets. Petra, Jordan.
A high-relief false colonnade in a tomb with a rainbow sandstone ceiling clouded with ancient soot. Petra, Jordan.
Looking through holes in tomb walls & ceilings, Petra, Jordan.
Camels through an aperture in an eroded tomb. Petra, Jordan.
Apertures in eroded tombs. Petra, Jordan.
Looking through an aperture in rainbow sandstone into a tomb, Petra, Jordan.
An inhabited tomb named “Freedom.” Petra, Jordan.
“Freedom” - one of the inhabited tombs in a side valley at Petra, Jordan.
A panorama of a tomb’s walls, ceilings & apertures in Petra, Jordan.
A petroglyph of the goddess, Tanit, near the “Treasury” and Siq - the entrance and exit ravine at Petra, Jordan.
This Bedouin grandmother on the cliffs at Petra lives in one of the tomb-caves.
Approaching a tomb with camel & airplane petroglyphs above the entrance to the Siq, Petra, Jordan.
The tomb with camel & airplane petroglyphs is in the center of the quarry face overlooking the entrance to the Siq, Petra, Jordan.
The tomb with camel & airplane petroglyphs above entrance to the Siq, at Petra.
The tomb with camel & airplane petroglyphs above the entrance to the Siq, Petra, Jordan.
Entering the tomb with camel & airplane petroglyphs above the entrance to the Siq in Petra, Jordan.
Peering into the tomb with camel & airplane petroglyphs above the entrance to the Siq in Petra.
A panoramic view of the tomb with camel & airplane petroglyphs above the entrance to the Siq in Petra, Jordan.
The camel & airplane petroglyphs in a rock-cut tomb above the entrance to the Siq, Petra, Jordan.
The cave-tomb with camel & airplane petroglyphs above the entrance to the Siq, Petra, Jordan.
Camel & airplane petroglyphs in a tomb above the entrance to the Siq in Petra.
Petroglyphs in a tomb above the entrance to the Siq in Petra.
Petroglyphs in a tomb above the entrance to the Siq in Petra.
Camel petroglyphs in a tomb above the entrance to the Siq in Petra.
The tomb with camel & airplane petroglyphs above the entrance through the Siq canyon to Petra.
More camel petroglyphs in a tomb above the entrance to the Siq in Petra.
Camel petroglyphs in a tomb above the entrance to the Siq in Petra.
Petroglyphs of camels and horse-back riders in a sooty tomb above the entrance to the canyon entering (The Siq) Petra, Jordan.
The Roman amphitheater at Jerash, Jordan.
Bagpipes on the stage of the Roman amphitheater at Jerash, Jordan.
A tourist giving an impromptu performance on the stage of the Roman amphitheater at Jerash, Jordan.
Columns at Jerash, Jordan.
Roman columns. Jerash, Jordan.
Columns at Jerash.
More Roman columns in Jerash.
Columns. Jerash, Jordan.
The round colonnade and plaza among the Roman ruins of Jerash, Jordan.
A colonnade in Jerash, Jordan.
A Roman colonnade. Jerash, Jordan.
A giant thistle, wildflowers and columns. Jerash, Jordan.
Columns among wildflowers. Jerash, Jordan.
Columns & walls in the Roman ruins at Jerash, Jordan.
Roman ruins at Jerash, Jordan.
Columns & walls in the Roman ruins at Jerash, Jordan.
Columns & walls in the Roman ruins at Jerash, Jordan.
The arched triumphal gate at the entrance of the Roman ruins at Jerash, Jordan.
Wildflowers at Jerash, Jordan.
Men plowing & sowing a small field with a mule or horse among thistle flowers and olive trees. Jerash, Jordan.
Plowing & sowing a field in Jerash, Jordan.
Plowing a small field with a mule or horse. Jerash, Jordan.
Wildflowers & columns. Jerash, Jordan.
Wildflowers above the round Roman colonnade & plaza of Jerash, Jordan, with the encircling modern city in the background.
Wildflowers and Roman colonnades at Jerash, Jordan.
Wildflowers & columns. Jerash, Jordan.
Umm Qais / Gadara, Jordan, one of the Roman Decapolis cities along with Jerash and Pella.
Poppies, daisies & other wildflowers among the ruins of Umm Qais / Gadara, Jordan - a Roman Decapolis city.
Poppies, daisies & other wildflowers. Umm Qais / Gadara, Jordan, one of the Roman Decapolis cities along with Jerash and Pella.
Poppies, daisies & other wildflowers. Umm Qais / Gadara, Jordan, a Roman Decapolis city.
Poppies, daisies & other wildflowers. Umm Qais / Gadara, Jordan.
Poppies, daisies & other wildflowers. Umm Qais / Gadara, Jordan.
A family seated in the Roman amphitheater in Umm Qais / Gadara, Jordan, during the rites of spring.
Young man celebrating the rites of spring by smoking water pipes in the Roman amphitheater in Umm Qais / Gadara, Jordan.
The colonnade along the main street of Umm Qais / Gadara, Jordan.
The sun setting at the end of a colonnade along the main street of Umm Qais / Gadara, Jordan - one of the Roman Decapolis cities.
Garland-wearing children eyeing a pony during the rites of spring among the ruins of Umm Qais / Gadara, Jordan.
Men smoking hookahs on a tower at Umm Qais / Gadara, Jordan - one of the Roman Decapolis cities - during the rites of Spring.
A family picnicking under a column during the rites of spring at Umm Qais / Gadara, Jordan.
A couple picnicking by a pillbox-bunker overlooking the Golan Heights from Umm Qais / Gadara, Jordan.
Women & girls wearing floral garlands during the rites of spring at Umm Qais / Gadara, Jordan.
A girl wearing a floral crown garland & her two piping brothers on Roman columns among the ruins of Umm Qais / Gadara, Jordan.
Boy playing a pan pipe flute on a column base amid his family wearing floral garlands with the Golan Heights in background, Umm Qais / Gadara, Jordan.
Boy playing a pan pipe flute on a column base in Umm Qais / Gadara, Jordan, with the Golan Heights in the background during the rites of spring.
A Jewish Hebrew inscription on a cliff tomb, overlooking the 2nd century BC unfinished Tobiad family summer palace. Qasr Al-Abed, Iraq Al-Amir, Jordan.
A girl on the quarry face amid tombs overlooking the unfinished summer palace of the Jewish mercantile Tobaid family near Amman, Jordan.
Thistles and other wiildflowers above the Tobiad summer palace. Qasr Al-Abed, Iraq Al-Amir, Jordan.
The 2nd century BC Tobiad family summer palace. Qasr Al-Abed, Iraq Al-Amir, Jordan.
The 2nd century BC Tobiad summer palace. Qasr Al-Abed, Iraq Al-Amir, Jordan.
A two-headed lion. Tobiad summer palace. Qasr Al-Abed, Iraq Al-Amir, Jordan.
The Tobaid summer palace, Qasr Al-Abed, Iraq Al-Amir, Jordan.
A lion. Tobaid summer palace, Qasr Al-Abed, Iraq Al-Amir, Jordan.
Another lion. Tobaid summer palace, Qasr Al-Abed, Iraq Al-Amir, Jordan.
Jordanian archeological tourists at the 2nd century BC palace of the Jewish mercantile Tobaid family near Amman, Jordan.
The Wadi Jadid (or Jideid) dolmen complex at al Fayhaa, 10 km from Madaba, in Jordan.
Wildflowers by a dolmen in the Wadi Jadid (or Jideid) dolmen complex at al Fayhaa, near Madaba, in Jordan.
Wildflowers by a dolmen in the Wadi Jadid (or Jideid) dolmen complex at al Fayhaa, near Madaba, in Jordan.
The Wadi Jadid dolmen complex at al Fayhaa, 10 km from Madaba, in Jordan.
Another dolmen at the Wadi Jadid dolmen complex at al Fayhaa, Jordan.
A freshly looted grave at the the Wadi Jadid dolmen complex at al Fayhaa, Jordan.

Jordanian petroglyphs

& other archeological sites



This album takes us on an archeological tour around the entirety of Jordan, starting with the astonishing murals of musicians, dancers, naked bathers, hunters, fishermen, and the zodaic in the 8th century AD, Ummayad dynasty hunting lodge & baths at Qasr al Amra / Quseir 'Amra, (31°48'6.75"N,  36°35'14.47"E). The next stops are the Roman fortresses of Qasr Usaykhim, which guarded the Azraq Oasis, and Qasr Burqu (or Qasr Burqo, Qasr Al-Burqu), which is in the northeast corner of the country, close to the Iraqi and Syrian borders. The fortress, whose reservoir is still a resting point for migratory waterfowl, was the empire’s eastern-most outpost and the linchpin of a caravan route. It’s existence led to the expansion of a necropolis, whose stony tumuli, have all been looted (32°36'30.65"N,  37°57'44.08"E).

From there, we’ll head southwest around the edge of impassible lava flows to find Safaitic petroglyphs associated with the ruins of ancient villages, volcano-shaped tumuli with antenna walls, and vast funnel-shaped traps known as hunting kites. As we parallel the Saudi border, we’ll also encounter hearths left by Homo erectus and mesas surrounded by ruins filled with flint debitage and surmounted by tombs and ceremonial complexes (for example, at 31°46'30.62"N,  37°29'0.40"E ).

Then we’ll traverse Wadi Rum from the eastern end (unlike most visitors) to visit the lesser known Siq al-Barid (29.35846 N, 35.43343 E), where we’ll see petroglyphs of ibex, bovids, feet, and anthropomorphs, before moving to a nearby site with Thamudic inscriptions (29.334384 N, 35.386054 E) and even a cave we found with paintings.

Next, we’ll see Petra from some unusual vantage points, since we’ll focus on petroglyphs, little known side valleys, and tomb ceilings, which are often as gorgeous as stupendous abstract paintings. The rest of the trip will take us to two of the Roman Decapolis cities - Jerash and Umm Qais (also known as Gadara) - during Jordan’s rites of spring, when many Jordanians wear flowery garlands and crowns.

Finally, we’ll wrap up the tour by visiting the rarely visited dolmen complex at Wadi Jadid (or Jideid), overlooking the Dead Sea.

© 2018 Duncan Caldwell