Paleolithic perforated phalanges, Moustier & Tarté

Harrison's phalange with natural hole & perforation experiment (After Harrison)

Henri Martin's diagram showing the weak spot in a phalange

Hyena gnawing & gastric acids make cylindrical holes per d’Errico

Hyenas in den

Competing hypothesis: Whistles

Penny whistles & police whistles

Pyrenees shepherd’s whistle language (See Dauvois & Morley)

Competing hypothesis: For extracting marrow

Competing hypothesis: For carrying poison

Eskimo/Inuit phalangeal birthing amulets/dolls (After Yvon Csonka via Pascal Raux )

Peule women carry phalangeal figurines

Luba divination basket with phalangeal figurines. Caldwell 2008

2 phalanges & a figure from a Luba basket. Caldwell 2008

Inuit myth: Ring seals born from goddess’s phalanges

Greek myth: Dactyls were born of Rhea’s phalanges

Mount Pentadactylos, Cyprus, Geological effigies of the Dactyls that served Rhea

Phalanges in Louis Siret’s 1908 book “Religions Néolithiques de l'Iberie”

Painted phalange, Sepulture 7, Los Millares. After Louis Siret, L'Espagne Préhistorique 1893

Louis Siret, 1908, Phalanges

Iberian phalangeal idol 1912 by Louis Siret

Phalangeal eye idol, Pijotilla, Badajoz, Spain. After Victor Hurtado 1986

Phalangeal figurines in Louis Siret’s Religions Néolithiques de l'Iberie, Pl. VI 1908

Illustration of incised & painted phalanges & distal bones from Louis Siret’s works.

Neolithic phalangeal figurine, Almizaraque, Spain. After Louis Siret, Orientaux et Occidentaux en Espagne, Pl. VI 1907

A terracotta imitation of a phalangeal idol (#14). After Louis Siret, Religions Néolithiques de l'Iberie, Planche IV 1908

Incised Neolithic(?) Franco-Italian perforated phalange. Caldwell 2008.

Avdeevo mammoth phalangeal figurine. After Abramova, Z. 1995 Fig 40 #8 & Gvozdover, M. 1995 Fig. 153

Avdeevo hare & wolf metapodia & ivory imitation (#10 )in Ivory. After Abramova, Z. 1995 Fig 47 & Gvozdover, M. 1995

Avdeevo metapodia with bellies. After Abramova, Z. 1995 Fig 40 #5-7 & Gvozdover, M. 1995

Avdeevo metapodia with bellies. After Abramova, Z. 1995 Fig 46. & Gvozdover, M. 1995

Mousterian phalangeal pendant? La Quina, Martin, H. 1907-10

Prolom II “incised” phalange. After Stepanchuk, V.N. 1993