Baby Nancy, when she was Nancy Beth Leenson.
Nancy Caldwell holding a toy Madagascar tree in front of the sculpture we bought to celebrate our 30th anniversary after I’d predicted that it was inspired by a nudibranch, African body masks & a Cambrian fossil named Hallucigenia. 2007.
Nancy as a little girl with bangs.
Nancy with her teddybears & other fluffy animals around 1956.
Nancy in a party dress in Randallstown, Maryland, in July 1956.
Nancy and her father, Sol Leenson, who she adored, in January 1960.
Nancy Caldwell in Feb. 1973.
Nancy & a Christmas tree in the early 1970s.
Trevor Smith, later Trevor Stuart, and Nancy with me as I was writing a novel in Vincennes during the drought of 1976, Vincennes. Photo by Stephanie Stolin.
Nancy gazing at me in Vincennes shortly after she asked me to move in with her. We shared a room that we sublet from our friend, Stephanie.
Sol & Rose Leenson with their daughter, Nancy, and her new love, Duncan, in Lucerne, Switzerland, in May 1977 - the only time I ever met Nancy’s wonderful father, Sol.
Robert Caldwell delivering his prodigal son, Duncan, and Duncan’s wife-to-be, Nancy, to her Aunt Sue & mother, Rose Leenson, in Randallstown, MD, on Christmas Day 1977.
Nancy and her Aunt Sue, who helped raise her.
Nancy Beth Caldwell, who wrote under the name, Nancy Leenson Caldwell, at Edward & Chris's wedding with Chris Murphy shucking, Rod Farrow at the raw bar & Lars, Peter & Marc Jorrens together with Nancy, Dec 1986
My lovely wife, Nancy, around 1975, when we met.
Nancy & Sebastian during an impromptu hat party with Michael Jacobs & Ted Joans.
Duncan, Nancy & Sebastian Caldwell during the summer of 1986.
My beautiful Nancy about ten years after we met.
Nancy, Duncan & Sebastian in Normandy
Duncan holding Sebastian on his head with Nancy & la Manche (or the English Channel, as it’s known on the other side).
Duncan, Sebastian & Nancy by the sea in spring.
Nancy & Sebastian on an MV ferry
Robert, Nancy & Sebastian Caldwell in California.
Robert, Nancy & Sebastian Caldwell with elk.
Nancy & Sebastian at Ano Nuevo, California with elephant seals.
Nancy & Sebastian at Ano Nuevo with sleeping seals.
Sebastian & Nancy looking at photos with our dear friend Irme.
Irme, Sebastian, Nancy and friends.
Sebastian, Duncan & Nancy Caldwell in a park awaiting Olivia's birth
Sebastian winking, with Duncan & Nancy Caldwell just before Olivia was born
Nancy giving Olivia her first bath at home, with my self-portrait looking on, 1986.
My beautiful Nancy & newborn Olivia during her first hike.
Nancy Caldwell & Sebastian.
Daniel, Sebastian, Nancy & Olivia on a sofa boulder on a Martha's Vineyard beach.
Susanna & Nancy admiring newborn Olivia.
Nancy and aunt Susanna admiring newborn Olivia.
My beautiful Nancy, Sebastian & Duncan with Olivia in a Snuggly at Vaux-le-Vicomte.
Nancy, Sebastian, the McClean's son , and me (with Olivia in a Snuggly) feeding a donkey sunflowers.
Nancy with Sebastian & baby Olivia by a canal in the French countryside.
Nancy with Sebastian & Olivia by canal houses.
Nancy Caldwell holding baby Olivia with two girls across the Vezere from the chateau de Belcayre near Sergeac.
Nancy Caldwell holding Olivia after giving her a walking lesson in the parking lot below the Grotte du Grand Roc by the Vezere.
Nancy, Olivia & Sebastian in the Dordogne.
Nancy sniffing Sebastian’s flowers and holding Olivia by a castle.
Nancy & Sebastian teaching Olivia to walk near Laugerie Basse & Les Eyzies in the Dordogne.
Nancy & Sebastian teaching Olivia to walk below the grotte du Grand Roc.
Nancy Caldwell with Olivia in a baby carrier, waving a seed stalk.
Little Olivia & Sebastian being cuddled by Nancy in the Dordogne.
Nancy with Sebastian & Olivia on a footbridge bridge under a castle.
Nancy with David & newborn Olivia.
Nancy Caldwell hiking with little Olivia in the Dordogne.
My beautiful Nancy holding Olivia on the ferry to Martha's Vineyard.
Nancy bicycling with Olivia & Sebastian.
Nancy with Sebastian, Olivia & a goat during une sejour à la ferme.
Baby Olivia climbing over Nancy at the Brickyard,
Olivia climbing over Nancy
Little Olivia with Nancy & Sebastian on Tunisian kilims.
Nancy holding Olivia & Sebastian on Lobo & Maite Britoś's boat on the Yonne near Auxerre.
Nancy Caldwell in bed with bronchitis & a bottle of cider. Our room was on the rue des Champs de Mars. I painted her from outside our “studio” on the landing as people passed by in 1977. By Duncan Caldwell.
Duncan & Nancy Caldwell celebrating next door to Shakespeare & Co bookshop in Paris in Dec 2005. We had met there 30 years before in a back room upstairs.
Nancy & Duncan Caldwell's barge in Paris in the late 1970s, the Klaidonis, with Duncan on the deck, between the Passerelle des Arts & Pont Neuf, Paris. circa 1978.
Nancy Caldwell mourning her father, Sol Leenson, on the floor of the rear cabin of our Paris barge, the Klaidonis, which was moored between the Pont Neuf & Passerelle des Arts. Painted by Duncan Caldwell.
Peters Day painting Nancy & Duncan Caldwell as Nancy watched me preach. This painting grew by accretion from left to right as I pasted on more sheets of paper. By Duncan Caldwell around 1977.
Nancy & Duncan Caldwell in the Shakespeare & Co room where we met 40 years before, celebrating our 40th anniversary in Nov. 2015, after she’d been diagnosed with advanced ovarian cancer.
Sebastian's birth announcement by Duncan & Nancy Caldwell, with the poem she wrote 6 hours after giving birth on Oct. 29, 1981.
Nancy Caldwell in the wind at Marc & Kassie Jorren's wedding in Nags Head. She’s wrapped in beauty since she’s wearing two of her favorite garments, a Kashmir shawl & a red dress that I’d given her on two birthdays. Sept 2013.Nancy Caldwell in her birthday shawl & red dress in the wind at Marc & Kassie Jorren's wedding, Sept 2013.
Nancy Caldwell holding our baby Olivia in 1987.
Nancy Caldwell holding our baby Olivia in 1987.
Family portrait, Nancy, Sebastian, Olivia & Duncan Caldwell,
Olivia, Nancy & Duncan Caldwell with Ibis the guinea pig & our Iguanadon during Christmas on the Rue Rambuteau in Paris, ca 1989.
Nancy Caldwell & baby Olivia around 1987.
Nancy & Olivia Caldwell at Chris & Edward's wedding, Dec 1986.
Nancy after breakfast in bed under the gaze of Ramses II, rue Rambuteau, Paris.
Nancy after breakfast with Duncan, rue Rambuteau.
“Grandpa Bob” Robert Caldwell blowing out birthday candles with Olivia, Sebastian & Nancy Caldwell at Meeting House in Chilmark around 1989.
Lee & Betty Farrow on either side of Nancy Caldwell at Edward & Chris's wedding, Dec 1986
Nancy Caldwell & our baby Olivia at the beach, thanks to Kelly Cartenuto.
Nancy Caldwell & our daughter, Olivia, at the beach, from Kelly Cartenuto.
Nancy talking to my sister Jennifer on Menemsha beach with Olivia, Nicholas and Daniel.
Nancy & Olivia
Nancy teaching Olivia and Julia Caldwell to read;
Nancy, Julia and Olivia Caldwell.
Duncan & Nancy Caldwell,
Nancy & Duncan Caldwell with Aunt Kit's friends around the table I made in the rue Rambuteau apartment in Paris.
Olivia on her mom’s lap.
Olivia, Sebastian, Nancy & Grandpa Robert Caldwell in the Ardeche.
Nancy in smoke streaming through a wind tunnel at a Magic lantern show in Paris. March 2010.
Nancy Caldwell & Uli Botzojorns eating among stuffed gorillas at the Musée de la Chasse in Paris. March 2013.
Nancy holding an empty “No trespassing” sign at Squibnocket in Sept 2011.
My fingers & shadows on Nancy’s back, which I tried to fill with endlessly varied compositions of tactile music. 2011.
Nancy touched by many hands or rather inflated gloves in a Sensory exhibition at the Palais de la Decouverte, Grand Palais, Paris, Feb 2011.
Nancy's 60th birthday at our dining table in Paris on Dec. 2nd, 2011.
Nancy, Olivia, Sebastian & Duncan Caldwell overlooking a Mesolithic cave at Donzère, France, before exploring the Baume des Anges in the hill behind us on the day Chauvet Cave was found some 50 km away. Dec 18, 1994.
Olivia, Sebastian, Duncan & Nancy on a crag overlooking the Rhone Valley.
Nancy & Duncan Caldwell amid the stelae at Tiya in Ethiopia in Nov 2011.
Nancy and a turquoise river in France.
Duncan, Nancy & Sebastian in 2010. Taken by our dear friend, David Frankel.
Duncan, Nancy & Olivia Caldwell with Round Pond behind us at Squibnocket in July 2016.
Nancy & Olivia Caldwell carrying candles at a Paris demonstration against the Iraq invasion.
Nancy & Olivia in our apartment in Paris in Jan. 2006.
Duncan & Nancy Caldwell celebrating her birthday & the 30th anniversary of our meeting in the same room at Shakespeare & Co in Paris, Dec. 2005.
Duncan & Nancy Caldwell celebrating the 30th anniversary of our meeting in this upstairs room at Shakespeare & Co bookshop in Paris, Dec. 2005.
Still celebrating the 30th anniversary of our meeting in the same upstairs room at Shakespeare & Co bookshop in Paris, Dec. 2005.
Celebrating Nancy’s birthday & the 30th anniversary of our meeting at Shakespeare & Co. at the restaurant next door.
Nancy & Olivia Caldwell in Paris at Christmas in 2013.
Dear friends: Nancy Caldwell and Joanie Lelacheur. Taken by Joanie’s husband, Richard Skidmore.
Nancy & Duncan Caldwell with a fossil Bubalus antiquus skull in Aquinnah. Taken by my boyhood friend from Nicosia, Cyprus, “Tony” Chentung Li in Sept. 2014.
Nancy Caldwell with one of her colleagues in UMUSEKE’s Education for Peace program at the Ecole Apeki, Bethel in Rwanda in Oct. 2008.
Nancy Caldwell, Michael Weiden, Monica Marini, Peggy & Eric laughing on the screened porch that Nancy loved so much. Aug. 2004.
Nancy Caldwell, Michael Weiden, Monica Marini, Peggy & Eric laughing on our porch in Aug. 2004.
Nancy & Duncan Caldwell celebrating in Nov 2015 the 40th anniversary of our meeting in this upstairs back room at the Shakespeare & Co., Paris.
Nancy & Duncan Caldwell in Shakespeare & Co for the 40th anniversary of our meeting.
Nancy & Duncan Caldwell in the room at Shakespeare & Co in Paris where we met 40 years before - celebrating the anniversary.
Nancy & Duncan Caldwell in the Shakespeare & Co room where we met 40 years before in Nov 1975.
Nancy & Duncan Caldwell at Shakespeare & Co on the 40th anniversary of our meeting there. Nov. 2015.
Nancy, Duncan & Sebastian Caldwell with the owner of Shakespeare & Co, Sylvia Whitman, whose mother, Felicity, asked me to be Sylvia’s godfather, only to have George Whitman take umbrage as we were all on the way to the church.
Nancy Caldwell at the Musée de la Vie Romantique, Paris, investigating George Sand's wampum bracelet. Although Nancy’s official married name was Nancy Beth Caldwell, she wrote under the name of Nancy Leenson Caldwell.
Nancy Caldwell in the George Sand room of the Musée de la Vie Romantique in Paris with the wampum bracelet she was researching. March 2014.
Nancy Caldwell at the Musée de la Vie Romantique, Paris, investigating the ways that George Sand might have obtained her wampum bracelet for the book Nancy was writing, and which I hope to complete.
Nancy Caldwell's hand over the plaster cast of George Sand's at the Musée de la Vie Romantique in Paris in 2014.
Nancy Caldwell in her birthday shawl & red dress at Marc & Kassie Jorren's wedding in Nags Head in Sept 2013. I wish I could have been the wind around her.
Nancy Caldwell riding the Manège Carré Sénart merry-go-round at the 104 Exposition in Paris in Jan. 2011.
Nancy Caldwell in her “Magical Coat” from Catherine Legrand of La Bonne Renomméé & Uli Botzojorns eating among stuffed gorillas in the Musée de la Chasse in Paris in March 2013.
Nancy Caldwell in her Magical Coat from Catherine Legrand & Uli Botzojorns eating among gorillas, March 2013.
Nancy & Duncan Caldwell in Aquinnah in 2005
Nancy Caldwell on the blue bench at the Steamship Authority ferry terminal in Woods Hole in June 2015
Nancy Caldwell stretching her arms at Olivia's construction project for CEMEX & USAID at Cabaret, Haiti.
Olivia & Nancy Caldwell at the project that Olivia designed for CEMEX & USAID and brought to fruition at Cabaret, Haiti, in 2013.
Duncan and Nancy Caldwell on a beach near Nags Head in Sept 2013.
Nancy Caldwell in Vineyard Haven. Taken by our dear friend, Richard Skidmore
Nancy & Duncan Caldwell having lunch at The Lodge mountain hotel near Furcy, Haiti.
Nancy & Duncan Caldwell & their guide at Fort Saint Jacques above Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
Nancy ready for Christmas.
Nancy, Chris, Cameron, Sebastian, Susanna & Edward Caldwell at the Temple of the Olympian Zeus in Agrigento, Sicily on Dec 29, 2012.
Seab Turner and Nancy in the rue Rambuteau apartment.
Nancy and Olivia with our dear Peruvian friends, Nilda Macedo Sánchez and Mariaurelia Dubusse (Maire), Philippe, and Juan.
Nancy & Olivia
Nancy with Olivia & Sebastian, rue Rambuteau, Paris.
Gazing past my nose & beard at my heart-breakingly tender love, Nancy, sleeping below me. By Duncan Caldwell in 1977.
Nancy Caldwell with one small & one dilated pupil like Stanley Spencer’s self-portrait at the Tate in London. Sept 2011.
Nancy & Duncan Caldwell in the Aquinnah "meditation room" in 2007.
Duncan & Nancy Caldwell hiding behind Belle Epoque cutouts at the Petit Palais in Paris.
Olivia & Nancy cutting cake, Aug. 2004
Olivia & Nancy cutting cake, Aug. 2004
Our wonderful friend, Catherine Legrand, of of La Bonne Renomméé fame, with Nancy Caldwell in Istanbul, April 2009.
Catherine Legrand & Nancy Caldwell in Istanbul, April 2009. Yves and I were on the other side of the camera. How we love them both!
Our dear friends, Dan Burstein and Julie O'Connor with Nancy Caldwell at the Metropolitan Museum, where we’d gone to see the Kongo exhibition & Nkisi nkondis.
Dan Burstein, Julie O'Connor & Nancy Caldwell in the Kongo exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum.
Nancy Caldwell with Rascal and Mandakini's niece, Yashodhara, in August 2001.
Nancy Caldwell reflected in a street puddle, outside the A Gallery in Oak Bluffs in Aug 2014.
Nancy & her cousin Michael Weiden on our porch.
Annelise Fisher & Nancy Caldwell in Chilmark in July 2013.
Nancy & Jennifer Caldwell with Zola in Aug 2016.
Nancy & Jennifer Caldwell with Round Pond in the background.
Nancy's first selfie, Paris, 2013.
Nancy with her red pocketbook, birthday shawl, black beret & magical coat from La Bonne Renommée in front of a mulled wine stand at a Christmas market in Paris in 2013.
Nancy Caldwell through a stained-glass window at the Musée de la Vie Romantique, where she did research for her book on the George Sand - Wampum connection.
Nancy Caldwell in the Bibliothèque de l'Hôtel de Ville (town hall library) of Paris, where she did more research for the book. How she adored old libraries!
Duncan & Nancy Caldwell behind Belle Epoque cutouts.
Nancy & Olivia Caldwell flying to Sicily thanks to Jennifer & John.
Nancy & Olivia Caldwell.
Nancy & Olivia Caldwell flying to Sicily.
Sebastian, Jennifer, Annelise & Nancy Caldwell at Taormina's Greek theater in Sicily, Italy, on Dec 23, 2012.
Nancy & Sebastian Caldwell with David Linfield on Christmas day 2012. Archi, Catania, Sicily, Italy.
Nancy Caldwell with David Linfield & Sebastian Caldwell, Archi, Catania, Sicily, Italy, Christmas 2012.
Nancy Caldwell receiving books, with David & Sebastian looking over her shoulder on Christmas in Archi, Sicily.
Nancy, Chris & Susanna Caldwell in Siracusa, Sicily, on Dec 27, 2012.
Nancy Caldwell & friends watching a fireworks finale over a hayrick, West Tisbury, Sept 2007.
Nancy Caldwell behind one of the 900-year-old Tiya stelae, in Ethiopia in Nov 2011.
Nancy Caldwell behind a stele at Tiya in Ethiopia. She was dressed for work, because she’d just finished teaching 80 mid-level Ethiopian civil servants, who were being groomed for senior positions.
Nancy, Chris, Jennifer & Julia Caldwell lighting candles for Robert Granville Caldwell's birthday.
Nancy, Chris, Jennifer & Julia Caldwell lighting candles for Robert Granville Caldwell's birthday.
Nancy, Chris, Jennifer & Julia Caldwell lighting candles for Robert Granville Caldwell's birthday.
Lourdes, Saskia, Annelise & Nancy with the girls wearing Chinese hats that Nancy had brought back from Beijing.
Nancy Caldwell with our guide at the Adadi Mariam monolithic church near Melka Kunture in Ethiopia.
Nancy Caldwell at the Adadi Mariam monolithic church near the Homo erectus site of Melka Kunture in Ethiopia.
Nancy Caldwell hosting an impromptu hat party on the rue Rambuteau in Feb. 2009. She’s next to our old friend, Richard McElvain.
Nancy Caldwell hosting an impromptu hat party on the rue Rambuteau in Feb. 2009
Nancy & Sebastian Caldwell with Uli & Sadie, Paris.
Sebastian, Olivia & Nancy Caldwell at our dining table on the rue Rambuteau in Paris.
Nancy Caldwell laughing beside Michael Weiden & Monica Marini on our porch in Aug 2004.
Nancy & her cousin Michael on our porch in Aug 2004.
Nancy Caldwell petting a baby rabbit in April 2016.
Nancy Caldwell petting a bunny in April 2016.
Nancy Caldwell teaching Annelise to put birthday candles in holders for Robert Caldwell's birthday.
Nancy Caldwell & Saudi friends by the Bosphorus near the Black Sea & Istanbul in April 2009.
Nancy Caldwell on the ferry.
Nancy Caldwell & the blue bench at the Woods Hole ferry terminal in June 2015.
Nancy with our Pyrenees sheepdog, Rascal, and Mandakini's niece, Yashodhara Suri, in August 2001.
Nancy, Rascal and Mandakini Narain's niece, Yashodhara Suri, in August 2001.
Nancy & Duncan Caldwell & Mandakini's niece, Yashodhara, playing with Rascal in August 2001.
Nancy, Monica & Michael in Aug 2004.
Nancy Caldwell on a big driftwood log on Martha’s Vineyard in Sept 2011.
Nancy Caldwell dressed in blue on a Martha’s Vineyard beach in Sept 2011.
Nancy Caldwell on Philbin's Beach, Aquinnah, Sept 2005.
Nancy Caldwell giving me the eye on Philbin's Beach, Aquinnah, Sept 2005.
Nancy & Duncan Caldwell playing “Le Petit Verger” (The Little Orchard) with Saskia & Annelise in Chilmark.
Aunt Nancy and Saskia & Annelise with their new Parisian pocketbooks.
Mandakini Narain, Nancy Caldwell & Madame Mauté at work in 1994
Nancy & her colleagues, Vera Dickman, Mandakini Narain & Annecy Cilliers, around 1994
Nancy Caldwell going into the water at Squibnocket Beach, where she swam so long & meditatively that I was often afraid she’d lose her bearings in the fog. Sept 2007.
Nancy Caldwell going in for a long swim at Squibnocket Beach, Chilmark, Sept 2007.
Nancy Caldwell going swimming at Squibnocket Beach, Chilmark, Sept 2007
Nancy & Monique from Paribas at the 20 September 2001 private screening of Vijay Singh's film Jaya Ganga
Nancy Caldwell at Vijay Singh’s & Mandakini Narain’s “Fancy”.
Nancy & Mandakini Narain at the private screening of Vijay's film Jaya Ganga
Nancy Caldwell & Chris Culp with Edward in the background during Marc & Kassie Jorrens' wedding in Nags Head.
Nancy Caldwell & Chris Culp during Kassie & Marc Jorren's wedding.
Nancy & Duncan Caldwell boating on the Yonne River, France.
Nancy & the Berber women & children of Lalla in the Gafsa oasis complex in Tunisia in early 1981.
Nancy Caldwell with her brother, Eric Leenson.
Family reunion with Kelly & Sierra Cartenuto & Nancy, Edward, Julia, Chris, Cameron, Duncan & Sebastian Caldwell.
What a treat it was when friends or family came to town and invited us out! Here we are about to enjoy fruits de mer.
Nancy & Duncan with a magnificent seafood platter at the Brasserie Flo in Paris on April 25, 2013.
Nancy Caldwell with her cousin Michael & Peggy on porch, Aug 2004.
Nancy & her cousin Michael Weiden with his wife Peggy on the screened porch that Nancy loved so much!
Nancy Caldwell with Eric & Monica Leenson, Ellen & Michael Weiden, Peggy & Jim on the porch in Aquinnah.
Nancy Caldwell with Eric, Monica, Peggy, Ellen, Michael & Jim among our Aquinnah pools.
Nancy telling a story while I listened in awe. The photograph was taken shortly after we’d moved to the rue Rambuteau around 1986.
Nancy teaching Olivia & Sebastian to swim at the Herring Creek beach in Aquinnah around 1987.
Nancy & Chris Caldwell at Jeff & Emily Day's wedding in Sept 2007.
Nancy Caldwell hugging two of her friends & colleagues in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Nancy & Chris Caldwell at Jeff & Emily Day's wedding in Sept 2007.
Nancy and Duncan Caldwell with some friends of the Musée Dapper in Paris.
Nancy Caldwell dressed in indigo on a driftwood log at the beach in Sept 2011.
Nancy Caldwell on the blue bench at the Woods Hole ferry terminal.
Brigitte Cornand & Nancy Caldwell inspecting one of Brigitte’s Dumptique finds at Flat Point Farm.
Brigitte Cornand showing Nancy Caldwell a Dumptique find. Flat Point Farm.
Nancy & Olivia Caldwell, Dec 2015.
Nancy & Olivia Caldwell, Dec 2015.
Nancy Caldwell with the turkey decoys in the garden of our dear generous friends, Joan & Henry Kriegstein, who lent us their home for our weekly trips to medical facilities.
Nancy Caldwell, David Linfield, Chris Caldwell & Lars Jorrens on a boardwalk near Nags Head for Marc & Kassie Jorrens’ wedding in Sept 2013.
Nancy and Chris Caldwell listening, Sept 2013.
Nancy Caldwell with sunflowers at Julie O’Connor & Dan Burstein’s summer residence in Aug 2016.
Nancy Caldwell with sunflowers at Dan Burstein and Julie O’Connor’s summer home in Menemsha where we shared so many good times & searching conversations. Aug 2016.
Nancy Caldwell with sunflowers at the Bursteins, Aug 2016.
Nancy Caldwell with sunflowers at the Bursteins.
Susanna, Saskia, Annelise & Nancy Caldwell, Chilmark, July 2013.
Susanna, Saskia, Annelise & Nancy Caldwell, Chilmark, July 2013.
Susanna, Saskia, Annelise & Nancy Caldwell, Chilmark, Jule 2013.
Nancy Caldwell & Buddhas during Thanksgiving in 2015.
Nancy & Olivia Caldwell on Thanksgiving in 2015, which was on Nov. 26th.
Nancy & Olivia Caldwell presenting a turkey on Thanksgiving, 2015.
Nancy in The Lodge mountain hotel near Furcy, Haiti in 2013
Nancy Caldwell & the Brickyard chimney in Chilmark in June 2015.
Nancy, Olivia & Duncan Caldwell at Squibnocket, by Marc Jorrens
Nancy, Olivia & Duncan Caldwell at Squibnocket. Nancy is wearing a wig after losing her hair because of chemotherapy, but was so grateful & happy to have a reprieve.
Tony Chentung & Anna Yaching Li, Nancy & Duncan Caldwell in Aquinnah.
Nancy & Duncan Caldwell & sunset from the roof in Aquinnah as seen by Tony Chentung Li in Sept. 2014.
Nancy walking through snow in Aquinnah in Feb 2016.
Nancy walking through snow, Aquinnah, Feb 2016.
Toasting Nancy’s successful surgery & health during a four-day “Kongo fest” in Aquinnah, as Zoe Strother put it, to reflect upon minkondi, the impact of war and colonialism on African art, and so much more.
Nancy, Sebastian, Susanna & Duncan Caldwell with Elaine Woodward, Ralph & Liz Diamond of the Yale Repertory Theater, Zoe Strother of Columbia University & Jonathan Reynolds of Barnard as seen by the VMFA’s curator of African art, Richard Woodward.
Olivia, Alec Nielsen, Julia, Brian, Chris, Edward, Ali & Nancy Caldwell in Aquinnah celebrating Olivia's birthday in Aug 2017.
Susanna & Nancy Caldwell in Sicily.
Nancy Caldwell during a solar eclipse party on August 21, 2017 at the Hubbard-White camp on Tashmoo Pond.
Nancy Caldwell with our beloved friend, Anita Hotchkiss, during a solar eclipse party on August 21, 2017 at the Hubbard-White camp on Tashmoo Pond. Taken by another dear dear friend, Eleanor Hubbard.
Nancy & Olivia Caldwell at Lucy Vincent Beach on Dec 24, 2015.
Nancy & Olivia Caldwell at Lucy Vincent Beach on Christmas Eve, 2015.
Olivia & Nancy Caldwell at the Rubicon of Philbin's Beach, Aquinnah.
Susanna & Nancy Caldwell in Barnstable after Nancy's operation in May 2015.
Nancy sitting on Chris & Edward’s screened porch in Barnstable on Oct. 19th, 2017.
Nancy Caldwell with thin red acupuncture needles in her cheeks & forehead at the Cancer Center in Winchester.
Selfie of Nancy, Olivia, Sebastian & Duncan looking at Leenson family photo albums shortly before she slipped away from us.
Nancy & Duncan Caldwell as she lay dying on Cape Cod in the wee hours of Thanksgiving Day, 23 Nov 2017.
Nancy in bed with bronchitis & a bottle of cider. Painting by Duncan Caldwell in 1977.
Duncan & Nancy Caldwell celebrating her birthday & the 30th anniversary of our meeting in this upstairs room at Shakespeare & Co in Paris in 1975. Dec 2005.
Nancy & Duncan Caldwell. Painted by Peters Day in Paris in 1977.
I hadn’t realized that our friend, Barbara Frankel, had sketched Nancy & me as we slept in 1981.
Nancy & Duncan Caldwell in the Shakespeare & Co room where we met 40 years before, celebrating our 40th anniversary in Nov. 2015. I’d do anything to gaze at her forever.
Nancy Caldwell with the Wampum bracelet, in the George Sand room of the Musée de la Vie Romantique in Paris in March 2014.
Walking alone the day after Nancy died. By Julia Caldwell.

My beloved Nancy,

who brought so many people happiness,

died in my arms in the early hours of Thanksgiving Day 2017,

after 42 years of being together

and having our love grow and grow to the point

that it’s bursting within me.

I kissed her profusely on behalf of everyone who loved her.

She loved all of humanity from Rwanda, where she worked to heal psychological wounds, to Paris, where she facilitated dialogue between diverse communities,

to our home on Martha’s Vineyard, where she entranced us with passionate lectures about her quests at the Aquinnah Library.

She loved all of you who knew her so very very much,

and I carry her love for you with my own now.

Please let memories of her bring you profound grace and joy.

I’ll post more photos of our darling here

as I come across them over the months to come

and will also use this page to let you know

when & where we’ll be gathering

to cherish her again.

Our love to all of you.

Duncan Caldwell

After you’ve looked at the photos you might want to read

Tributes to Nancy Beth Caldwell

- and her essays under her pen name, Nancy Leenson Caldwell,

in The New York Times and Vineyard Gazette:

Listening to the Kigali Night” and

Memories to Moments on the Cancer Caravan”.

The following album consists of several pages,

but you’ll have to scroll upwards to reveal the pictures on the later ones

if you use the switch below each set of photographs,

because it takes you to the dark bottom of the next page.

You can also click on photos to enlarge them or watch them as a slideshow.

Nancy Caldwell’s beautiful life

Photos to remember our sweet Nancy by