The Dogon plateau, Niger River & Mali



© 2009 Duncan Caldwell on all photos

All rights reserved

Dogon children in a cave
Bambara / Bamana hunter in amulet jacket, Bamako, Mali
Bozo fishermen on the Niger, at dawn, Bamako, Mali
Mortars & pestles through hall, Mali
A young man proudly wearing a teeshirt portraying his hero, President Obama, Mali
Giant termite mound, Mali
Mopti harbor, Niger River, Mali
Donkeys on the potters’ ash heap, Mali
Boats on the Niger, Mopti, Mali
Bozo fishermen & giant fish traps, Niger River, Mali
Djenne pot that emerged intact smashed on Niger's bank
Goat kid peeking out from under a Dogon granary, Songha / Songo, Mali
Amadou Dolo in front of a Dogon granary
Recent Dogon rock art, left panel, towards instrument cave, Songha / Songo, Mali
Recent Dogon rock art, snake, Songha / Songo, Mali
Recent Dogon rock art, male circumcision compartment, Songha / Songo, Mali
Recent Dogon rock art below fissure, Songha / Songo, Mali
Recent Dogon rock art, Songha / Songo, Mali
Recent Dogon rock art divided by cleft, Songha / Songo, Mali
Recent Dogon rock art above boulder seats, Songha / Songo, Mali
Dogon village below rock shelter, Songha / Songo, Mali
Dogon elder sewing lion sack by Toguna, Sangha, Mali
Dogon judges’ / elders' Toguna in Sangha, Mali
Dogon facade with fetish niches, Sangha, Mali
Elder men lounging in a Dogon Toguna, Banani-ama, Mali
Duncan Caldwell & Dogon elder by judges' Toguna, Sangha, Mali
Tellem & Dogon tombs in cliff-face, Banani-ama, Mali
Jean-Marc laughing with Dogon children, Banani-ama, Mali
Tellem tombs in cliff above Dogon village, Banani-ama, Mali
Dogon sanctuary in cave, under higher & older Tellem tombs, Banani-ama, Mali
Trunk ladder & millet, Dogon country, Banani-ama, Mali
Thatch roofs, millet stalks & stone walls, Dogon country, Mali
Insect flying over well with rope-cut logs, Dogon village of Komokana, Mali
Bonny Gabin of the Musée Dapper & "Chérif" Joussouf Haidara, curator, Mali National Museum
Family & men waiting in the shade of a truck, near Segou, Mali
Blue-Indigo textile, Mali
Skirt cloth with magical symbols, Mali
Lizard & branches - Segou, Mali
Donkeys on potters' ashes, near Segou, Mali
Banana flower 2
Finger flutes or whirls in mud on Old Segou facade, Mali
Sheep on the eve of the sacrifice, "Bonne chance!"
Dawn on the Dogon plateau, Mali
Dogon statue 17th-18th Century per Hélène Leloup, 42cm, Caldwell coll.
Dogon statue, 17th-18th Century per Hélène Leloup, 42cm, Encrusted front, Caldwell coll
Dogon statue with unusual but broken head-crest, 17th-18th Century per H Leloup, 42cm, Front, Caldwell coll
Dogon statue, 17th-18th C per H Leloup, 42cm, Back, ex Dartevelle, Sotheby’s, Caldwell coll