Istanbul & the Bosphorus - Part 1

This album contains photos of Istanbul and the Bosphorus.

© 2009 Duncan Caldwell on all photos

All rights reserved

The Bosphurus & Istanbul from the Black Sea
Storm surge vents, Istanbul
The shoe shine man at the ferry terminal
The Topkapi Palace from below
The Topkapi framed amid branches
Boat traffic between the Istanbul shores
Boat melee on the Bosphorus
The Istanbul Bazaar
An alley of stairs, Istanbul
A Gull in a cloud oculus over Istanbul
Partridge & doves, Pet market, Istanbul
Caged partridge & visiting doves
Caged partridges eyeing free pigeons
The medicinal leech seller & a client
Medicinal leeches
Medicinal leeches 2
Medicinal leeches 3
A pigeon food vendor in Sultanhamet
A pigeon food vendor in front of a mosque
The grilled fish boat
Woman waiting among boats
Minarets in scaffolding, Istanbul
Birds, branches & a water column, Istanbul
The giant Roman head, Cinili Kosk, Istanbul
Seated statuary, Cinili Kosk, Istanbul
Black cat at the Topkapi Palace
Cinili Kosk, Istanbul
Cinili Kosk, Istanbul
The Topkapi among trees
Istanbul train station, Sultanhamet
Mosques of European Istanbul
Red Turkish flag & mosque, Sultanhamet
A cloud oculus over Istanbul
Ferry, seawall & European Istanbul 1
Ferry, seawall & European Istanbul 2
Sultanhamet, European Istanbul from Asia
Sunset rays over European Istanbul from Asia
Worn marble entrance to Topkapi Palace 1
Worn marble entrance to Topkapi Palace 2
Tree in the Topkapi Palace
Blossoming tree & veiled scaffolding, Istanbul 1
Blossoming tree & veiled scaffolding, Istanbul 2
Leaf shadows on Hittite script, Istanbul
Cypresses & red rooves from the Topkapi
Topkapi tiled facade through leafy veil
Crows bathing in the Topkapi fountain 1
Crows bathing in the Topkapi fountain 2
Topkapi Palace tiles
Topkapi Sarayi tiles & foliage
Topkapi Sarayi ceiling, Istanbul
Ships through the Topkapi Palace
Art Nouveau apartment building, Istanbul
Hagia Sophia Byzantine mosaic ceiling, Istanbul
Hagia Sophia dome & scaffolding pillar
Hagia Sophia scaffolding pillar 1, Istanbul
Hagia Sophia scaffolding pillar 2, Istanbul
Hagia Sophia dome & scaffolding pillar, Istanbul
Hagia Sophia dome & arches, Istanbul
Hagia Sophia scaffolding, Istanbul
Hagia Sophia half domes, Istanbul
Hagia Sophia scaffolding pillar 3, Istanbul
Golden spire from Hagia Sophia, Istanbul
Blue Mosque from Hagia Sophia, Istanbul
Galata Bridge, Istanbul
The funicular, Istanbul
Mimes in Istanbul 1
Mimes in Istanbul 2
The balloon vendor & carousing singers
Fshing rods at the Galata Bridge, Istanbul
Fshing rods & fish poster, Galata Bridge, Istanbul
Bait & catch, Galata Bridge, Istanbul 1
Bait & catch, Galata Bridge, Istanbul 2