The natural arch below Chauvet Cave
Dolmen in the Creuse, Felletin
Figs from cave, the Ardeche
Looking up from a cave, the Ardeche
Trees from a cave, the Ardeche
The 1st trees of Wadi Abdel Malik
Cars & desert from the Cow shelter, NE Gilf
Cow with a necklace, Cow Rock Shelter, NE Gilf
Dune Crest, Great Sand Sea
35 cm Moss agate Neolithic bifacial knife near Bahriya
Dune traveling over an Aterian site, Southern Gilf
The Shelter of the Headless Beasts, Wadi Sora, Gilf el Khebir
Shelter of the Headless Beasts, Wadi Sora
Shelter of the Headless Beasts, Wadi Sora
Shelter of the Headless Beasts, Wadi Sora
Shelter of the Headless Beasts, Wadi Sora
Shelter of the Headless Beasts, Wadi Sora
Shelter of the Headless Beasts, Wadi Sora
Shelter of the Headless Beasts, Wadi Sora
Shelter of the Headless Beasts, Wadi Sora
Shelter of the Headless Beasts, Wadi Sora
Shelter of the Headless Beasts, Wadi Sora
Shelter of the Headless Beasts, Wadi Sora
Shelter of the Headless Beasts, Wadi Sora
Shelter of the Headless Beasts, Wadi Sora
Waiting for truck to top the dune
Wadi Sora cow & archer shelter 1
Wadi Sora cow & archer shelter 2
Wadi Sora cow & archer shelter 3
The long-necked animal site, giraffes & ostriches
Pigment mesa, Western Desert, Egypt
Sebastian videoing 200 km west of Mut
Olivia in the chasm entrance
Olivia & pollisoir near Nemours
Olivia prospecting for caves
Prey-Mother Cave Engravings
Prey-Mother Cave
4 warriors wielding sand-plates. Wadi Abdel Malik
Blocking the pass with war cries & sand shields
Mummy at the Libyan frontier
Leaf shadows on rock face
Stele inside the Locmariaquer dolmen
Stele inside the Locmariaquer dolmen
Locmariaquer dolmen
The Locmariaquer dolmen
Steve exiting the Locmariaquer dolmen
The Fallen Menhir, Locmariaquer
The view from the Gavrinis tumulus
The boat below the bridge, Morbihan
Estuary in the Morbihan
Breton newlyweds

Expedition Photos

This album contains a few photos from recent expeditions.

© 2009 Duncan Caldwell on all photos

All rights reserved