Neanderthal manuport? B-de-L, Mousterian site, Yonne, France

An incised "gravid" nodule, said to be Terme-Pialat, Dordogne

Back incisions. Terme Pialat?

Paleolithic perforated phalanges. Left Tarté. Right Moustier. 2

Paleolithic perforated phalanges. Left Tarté. Right Moustier. 1

Phalangial figurine or whistle? Neolithic or earlier. SE France.

Galgenberg Venus in Vienna Natural History Museum photoed by D. Caldwell 5

Venus of Willendorf. Photoed by D. Caldwell. 3

Venus of Willendorf. Photoed by D. Caldwell. 2

Venus of Willendorf. Photoed by D. Caldwell. 10

Venus of Willendorf. Photoed by D. Caldwell. 7

Lespugue Venus cast. Photoed by D. Caldwell

Divinities or devotees?Oriental Hellenistic marble devotee.

Different degrees of supernaturals: hierarchical Thracian Cavalry Cult lead funeral plaque, 3rd C AD, Danube. 1

Thracian Cavalry Cult lead funeral plaque with registers, 3rd C AD, Danube. War goddess holding bridles.

Perenniality: la Dame Blanche at Lourdes recalls sightings of female supernaturals at caves & springs & with cattle since Gallo-Roman times

Men with cave fire as imagined by painter, Buck McCain

The 1st described Schematic Venus. On a mammoth tusk. Photoed by D. Caldwell

Newly recognized Schematic Venus, on an eroded mammoth bone. Predmosti, Czech Republic

Unpublished Schematic Venus, Predmosti detail of bust.

"Prey-mother" caves. Paleolithic vulva & horse. Nemours region.

"Prey-mother" caves. Paleolithic vulva & horse. Nemours region. Contoured

Neolithic phalliform venus. Side 1 - mummiform face. W. Sahara.

Phalliform venus. Side 2 - vulva & knock-kneed legs. W. Sahara.

Neolithic phalliform pregnant anthropomorph. South-central Sahara, probably Azawagh basin.

Paleo-Eskimo eroded walrus ivory venus with vulva & fingers

Paleo-Eskimo eroded walrus ivory venus with vulva & fingers. 1

Paleo-Eskimo eroded walrus ivory venus with vulva & fingers. 2

Paleo-Eskimo eroded walrus ivory venus with vulva & fingers. 3

Paleo-Eskimo eroded walrus ivory venus with vulva & fingers. 4

Chukchi fireboards in New York Natural History Museum 2

Monumental woman. Syrian or eastern Anatolia. Lava.

Djemdet Nasr alabaster bird-masked & wing-cloaked venus 1

Djemdet Nasr alabaster bird-masked & wing-cloaked venus 2

Anatolian "Crescent Master" complete aquiline venus 1

Anatolian "Crescent Master" complete aquiline venus 2

Anatolian "Crescent Master" Complete aquiline venus 1

Anatolian "Crescent Master" complete aquiline venus 3

Anatolian "Crescent Master" partial aquiline venus

Anatolian Neolithic silicified limestone venus 1

Anatolian Neolithic silicified limestone venus 2

Northern Fertile Crescent Neolithic ivory venus

Northern Fertile Crescent Neolithic ivory venus. Anatolian or Syrian.

Anatolian violin venus/Idol made of lava

Anatolian or Syrian lava violin idol.

Caykenar type black swan venus. Early Bronze Age I-II

Unique bone Anatolian Kiliya/Kilia "Star-Gazer" venus with raised arm.

Unique bone Anatolian Kiliya/Kilia "Star-Gazer" venus with raised arm. 2

Red Cycladic venus "Pendant" - Katonah Museum exhibition

Cycladic Chalandriani venus with post-partum wrinkles

Marble anthropomorphic bead. Anatolian Neolithic.

Chalcolithic opalescent rock crystal venus

Cucuteni Venus #1

Cucuteni Venus #2

Cucuteni venuses

"Masked" female Vinca venus 2

Eastern Balkan gravid rattle vase. 13.5 cm. Paris auction.

Pre-dynastic Egyptian / Beersheeba acephalic ivory venus

Neolithic female figurine. South-central Sahara, probably in the Azawagh basin

Pre-Dynastic or Thinnite platinum ore venus with vulvar palette

Pre-Dynastic or Thinnite platinum ore venus with vulvar palette - rear

Egyptian woman's sarcophagal mask

Mehrgahr Indus Valley Neolithic venus #1

Mehrgahr Indus Valley Neolithic venus #2

Mehrgahr Indus Valley Neolithic venus #3

Mesopotamian eye idol with feet

Northern Fertile Crescent venus with bitumen & drilled armpits. Eye idol too?

Iberian owl-eye idol plaque from dolmen.

Owl-faced woman giving birth. Scepter head. 1

Owl-Headed woman giving birth. Marble scepter. 1

Owl-Headed woman giving birth. Marble scepter. 2

Owl-faced woman giving birth. Scepter head. Detail.

Phalliform conical marble proto-historic venus

Terracotta female figurine. Mount Pentadactylos, Cyprus.

Unique Bronze Age polysemic venus, Sennonais, Yonne

Roman marble Venus

Eastern Hellenistic (Palmyra?) woman with offering cup

Pious early Christian lady holding lamb. Ivory.

Early Christian ivory devotee with a sheep representing Christ

Dong Son bronze axe with plumed dancers

Prehistoric pipe representing a woman. Lyon Co KY

19th C Ancestral Maiden Antelope Mask - Enzebi?

Dogon statue 17th-18th Century per Hélène Leloup, 42cm, ex Dartevelle, Sotheby’s, Caldwell coll

Idoma Ekwotame funeral, fertility & lineage statue, Caldwell coll

Idoma Ekwotame funeral, fertility & lineage statue, Detail, Caldwell coll

Idoma-Akweja Anjenu statue, See pg 112-113 in Neyt Benue Book

Punu Moukuye white-faced mask with 4 pointed coif & residual splints

Punu mask with red forehead. Like Pl. 20 in Louis Perrois book